Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Exorcist priest Father Thomas Euteneuer admits "violations of chastity" with adult woman...

This is precisely why we have to remind ourselves each and every day that we are nothing but sinful creatures who can do nothing without the Lord Jesus.  Our only boast should be in Jesus Christ.  We should all pray for Father Euteneuer at this moment.  The Evil One will often unleash a violent reprisal against the priest-exorcist (or any devout Catholic who is consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary).  As one article explains:

"The Exorcist is entrusted with this sole commission: to challenge the evil, and to liberate the afflicted person from its crippling, and often devastating effects. The danger he confronts lies in what is effectively a dual effort to expropriate and reappropriate --- that is to say, to expropriate from the devil, and to reappropriate for God. satan does not readily relinquish what he has taken to be his possession --- except under holy duress. The Exorcist, duly empowered by the Church, and prompted by his deep love of Jesus Christ and zealous for the salvation of souls, determines to do both: to deprive the devil and to return what was violated to God. By his very involvement, his absolute and unremitting contention with powers and principalities, the priest himself is placed in a vulnerable, volatile, and extremely dangerous situation. His very presence (because he is an alter Christus, "another" Christ, and acts in Personna Christ, in the Person of Christ) will antagonize the evil, and his actions and prayers will often elicit a violent response.

For this reason the tremendous conflict must be approached with maturity, fasting and prayer, and a supportive group of those who hold him up to God in prayer. He stands at the door of Darkness itself ... an image of the Light. A priest in this sacred ministry once confided the the fact that he needed to keep especially close to Jesus Christ when preparing for an exorcism, to keep his heart pure from sin – because after performing an exorcism, there was always reprisal, always something or someone subsequently set in his path to cause him to stumble; it takes little imagination to understand this: "Flesh for flesh", the "father lies" said in the Book of Job.

Keenly aware, and deeply acquainted with the frailty of man, the methods satan chooses to do this are manifold and subtle: he may try to tempt the priest to believe that he himself, the priest, had the power of his own – perhaps through a mistaken or overstated belief in his own sanctity or even his own personal power over evil – in other words, attempting to seduce the priest himself to believe that he himself had liberated the person from evil, when in fact it was his instrumentality through the hand of God that had rendered deliverance; that he had performed the rite, not of himself, but in the Name of Jesus Christ and through Christ's power invested in him. It is precisely because of the puissance of evil and the weakness of man that exorcism is not entered into lightly, and Holy Mother Church does so with much preparation.

We must remember the seven sons of Sceva:

"Now some also of the Jewish exorcists who went about, attempted to invoke over them that had evil spirits, the name of the Lord Jesus, saying: I conjure you by Jesus, whom Paul preacheth. And there were certain men, seven sons of Sceva, a Jew, a chief priest, that did this. But the wicked spirit, answering, said to them: Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you? And the man in whom the wicked spirit was, leaping upon them, and mastering them both, prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded. (Acts 19:13-17)" (See here).

Let us pray:
Because I am obnoxious, forgive me Lord.

Because I am dishonest, forgive me Lord.

Because I am egotistical, forgive me Lord.

Because I am undisciplined, forgive me Lord.

Because I am weak, forgive me Lord.

Because I am impure, forgive me Lord.

Because I am arrogant, forgive me Lord.

Because I am self-centered, forgive me Lord.

Because I am pompous, forgive me Lord.

Because I am insincere, forgive me Lord.

Because I am unchaste, forgive me Lord.

Because I am grasping, forgive me Lord.

Because I am judgmental, forgive me Lord.

Because I am impatient, forgive me Lord.

Because I am shallow, forgive me Lord.

Because I am inconsistent, forgive me Lord.

Because I am unfaithful, forgive me Lord.

Because I am immoral, forgive me Lord.

Because I am ungrateful, forgive me Lord.

Because I am disobedient, forgive me Lord.

Because I am selfish, forgive me Lord.

Because I am lukewarm, forgive me Lord.

Because I am slothful, forgive me Lord.

Because I am unloving, forgive me Lord.

Because I am uncommitted, forgive me Lord.

Because I am sinful, forgive me Lord.

Because I am loved by You, thank you Lord!

Prayer composed by Father Raymond A. Pavlick

Roman Catholic Diocese of Paterson, N.J.


ShrewsburyCatholic said...

This post makes me think of the woman who left a comment here critical of the idea of three days darkness. Even though St. Padre Pio and Blessed Taigi spoke often of this approaching supernatural event, she knows better.

There is a satanic level of pride across our entire culture. And many priests and laity have been infected by it.

Cleghornboy said...

There are many who will use this as an excuse to bash this Catholic priest and what he has said and done in more than 20 years of ministry. But we should reflect on the words of St. Philip Neri, "There but for the grace of God go I."

Pray for Fr. Euteneuer. But pray as well for yourself. The Devil prowls about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may to devour. This is why I pray the Rosary every day and ask Our Lady to intercede for me, that I might always remain small (my name means "small" or "little one") and that she will cover me with her mantle and surround me with a multitude of holy angels.

We cannot do it on our own. Jesus said so. We either trust Him or we do not.

Steve said...

There is a satanic disorientation across the globe. To know who has been influenced by it to a greater degree, look for those who think that Fatima belongs to the past. Don't think for a moment that the Vatican has immunity!

Sanctus Belle said...

Paul, this was a very powerful post. I do not doubt that Fr. Euteneauer suffered from lack of prayers from others to sustain him - we must not cast scorn upon him as he is human and weak like all of us.

Anonymous said...

I pray and fast for Fr. Tom - met him in 1989 - my first confession after 20 yrs. he was only a priest for 1 yr. and then I would go and pray at the abortion clinics and he would always save the babie with the eucharist around his neck.

Sarah said...

I think I'll save my prayers for the possessed woman "with" whom Euteneuer violated his chastity. She needed help from him and instead was harmed!

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