Friday, April 30, 2010

Report: Miami Bishop's retirement due to a "culture of sodomy and theological heterodoxy"

The Church must face this grand taboo.

This culture of sodomy has made extensive inroads into the Church. When Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz proposed "Amendment 27" to his brothers in the Episcopate - stipulating that the "current homosexual culture" was the root cause of the sex abuse crisis - his proposal was rejected on a voice vote. See here. Father Charles Fiore, a Catholic priest who has fought the homosexual subculture in the Church for years, once said, "the grand taboo in U.S. culture is to focus on homosexuality." See here. I can testify personally to the truth of such an assertion. I was once threatened by a radical homosexual activist who promised to use his rifle to silence me. I have been swamped at times with hateful comments from angry homosexual activists. Some years ago I wrote a Letter to the Editor of The Keene Sentinel in which I said:

"In an article titled “Catholic downsize: West Swanzey’s St. Anthony’s set to close” (May 22), The Sentinel reported that the Diocese of Manchester has formed a task force to examine the reasons behind the priest shortage.

But a task force isn’t needed to uncover what almost every serious Catholic already knows. Namely, that most seminaries are empty because vice has penetrated them, and those seminarians who refuse to accept or condone vice are excluded. True vocations are persecuted and, in most cases, rooted out and disqualified.

Many of those who hold positions of authority in the church refuse to acknowledge this truth. For them, it is much more convenient to lay the blame elsewhere. This would appear to be the case with our local Bishop.." (June 6, 2004 edition of The Keene Sentinel).

This is precisely what Rev. Fiore has said. That the subject of homosexuality in U.S. culture [and this includes the Church] is the "grand taboo." But I was immediately criticized by the leader of a cult based out of Richmond, New Hampshire - the Saint Benedict Center - for suggesting that true vocations are often rooted out and disqualified and that there is indeed a homosexual subculture within the Church.

But Archbishop Elden Curtis explained in an article entitled "Crisis in Vocations? What Crisis?" that: "There is much media hype these days about the present and projected shortage of priests and its effect on the sacramental life of the Church. It is time to pay close attention to the dioceses and religious communities reporting increasing numbers of candidates. There have to be reasons for these increases that bear objective analysis from which some conclusions can be drawn.

I personally think the vocation 'crisis' in this country is more artificial and contrived than many people realize. When dioceses and religious communities are unambiguous about ordained priesthood and vowed religious life as the Church defines these calls; when there is strong support for vocations, and a minimum of dissent about the male celibate priesthood and religious life loyal to the magisterium; when bishop, priests, Religious and lay people are united in vocation ministry—then there are documented increases in the numbers of candidates who respond to the call.

It seems to me that the vocation 'crisis' is precipitated and continued by people who want to change the Church's agenda, by people who do not support orthodox candidates loyal to the magisterial teaching of the Pope and bishops, and by people who actually discourage viable candidates from seeking priesthood and vowed religious life as the Church defines the ministries.

I am personally aware of certain vocation directors, vocation teams and evaluation boards who turn away candidates who do not support the possibility of ordaining women or who defend the Church's teaching about artificial birth control, or who exhibit a strong piety toward certain devotions, such as the Rosary.

When there is a determined effort to discourage orthodox candidates from priesthood and religious life, then the vocation shortage which results is caused not by a lack of vocations but by deliberate attitudes and policies that deter certain viable candidates.

And the same people who precipitate a decline in vocations by their negative actions call for the ordination of married men and women to replace the vocations they have discouraged. They have a death wish for ordained priesthood and vowed religious life as the Church defines them. They undermine the vocation ministry they are supposed to champion." (See here).

It is time for the Church to end the homosexual cover-up as the Catholic League has said. Those who refuse to acknowledge there is a problem are themselves part of the problem.


Ellen Wironken said...

As the Diocese of Manchester has made clear time and again, the Saint Benedict Center has "no affiliation" whatsoever with the Roman Catholic Church and has no permission to do any ministry at all in New Hampshire. This cult has no standing. Louis Villarrubia's supporters have tried to present him as an ordained Deacon and this too is a lie. He has not been ordained by Bishop John McCormack nor has he received canonical permission in the form of dimissorial letters to be ordained by another Bishop. His cult is anti-Semitic and has engaged in Holocaust-denial.

Relevant posts:

Louis Villarrubia's [aka "Brother" Andre Marie] criticism of Paul for speaking the hard truth regarding the homosexual problem within the Church is very peculiar. Why is he anxious to dismiss any attempt to face this "grand taboo" head on? Is he secretly supportive of the culture of sodomy?

Michelle said...

"A stumbling-block to orthodox men in the seminaries is a pervasive "'gay subculture', comprised of both students and faculty"; some of the seminaries have gleefully earned such nicknames as "Notre Flame (for the Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans)" and "Theological Closet (for Theological College at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.)." "St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore has earned the nickname the 'Pink Palace.'" Heterosexual, orthodox men who do make it into the seminaries often find themselves under seige by the homosexuals and having to fend off sexual advances, even rape. When they complain to the seminary leadership they are often told to be tolerant, to understand the others' need to "get in touch with their true sexuality". Those resisting often have to meet and study secretly, providing each other support -- a sort of true believers' underground. An underground of morality within the church!"


Cleghornboy said...

How bad have things been? A related article from Renew America:

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