Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Vatican says what I've been saying all along: campaign against the Church is because of her stance on abortion and homosexuality

See previous Blog posts here, here and here. It was Monsignor Schooyans, speaking about the Earth Charter and related globalism, who said, "In order to consolidate this holistic vision of globalism, certain obstacles have to be smoothed out and instruments put to work. Religions in general, and in the first place the Catholic religion, figure among the obstacles that have to be neutralized." (See here).


Anonymous said...

Witness the Christianophobia in Fitchburg. Pro-Lifers have been treated with nothing but contempt by some.

Cleghornboy said...

Read my posts filed under Homosexual Hate Movement by using the search engine on this Blog. Make no mistake, the homosexual movement is an attempt at moral revolution. This hate movement became openly violent when it didn't get its way in California (Proposition 8). Churches were attacked. Christians and Mormons were subjected to violent physical attacks and even sexual assault.

Linda M. said...

This article seems to forget that there are real victims of real crimes priests have committed. That seems disrespectful to those people who have suffered.

Cleghornboy said...

Linda, no decent human being can forget "that there are real victims of real crimes priests have committed." But it is equally true that no decent human being would attempt to manipulate facts or engage in calumny against the Holy Father or the Church. The abuse of children is not a Church problem but rather a societal problem. There has been far more abuse across society than there has been in the Church. In another recent post, some of these statistics were provided. For example, for each child who was abused within the Church there have been 100 abused within the public schools.

Any attempt to portray the abuse of children as a "Catholic problem" or a "Catholic issue" would also be disrespectful to those good Catholics - including priests - who love and care for children.

Wouldn't you agree?

Cleghornboy said...

P.S., if you're assuming that I engage in knee-jerk reactions in some misguided attempt to defend any priest, search some of my past articles here at La Salette Journey. For example, search for Fr. James Aquino using the search engine.

When 117 priests from the Worcester Diocese signed a letter of support for a priest-predator which was published in the Worcester Telegram & Gazette, I took a public stand for the victim and her family.

I was ostracized by some for doing so. I respect the demands of truth Linda. Which is why I author this Blog.

Cleghornboy said...

Most of my posts regarding Father Aquino appeared in October of 2005. Here's one:


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